Saturday, August 7, 2010

How To Reduce the Growth of Acne Spots?

        Acne is a very common skin condition and it cannot be cured completely. All we can do is to use various drugs and method to minimize the condition. With the use of effective drugs, the growth rate of acne spots is decreased and the already formed spots are vanished at a greater speed. Usually the acne problem is cured with the passage of time, like two to three years. But the good drugs and treatment methods can reduce this time period.
Here I am sharing with you a simple home remedy that is very effective in reducing the growth of new can spots. The already formed acne black heads and acne white heads are also removed with this home remedy. The remedy is simple to make and use. Just take tablespoon of groundnut oil and one tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Mix them well to make a homogeneous solution. Now apply this solution on your skin areas affected by the acne. Apply this on all area. For instance, if only 25% of your face is affected with acne, even then apply this solution to 100% of your face area. This will prevent the growth of new acne bumps and pimples. After about 30 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
The continuous use of the remedy for 3-4 weeks will give you very positive results. Usually this method works for most of the people. But if you feel any irritation or discomfort, then stop using this method and consult your skin doctor or dermatologist.
Click:Clear Acne

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