Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Truth About "Chocolate Cysts"

 What are Endometriomas/Chocolate Cysts?
The technical term for "chocolate cysts" is endometriomas. They are often referred to as chocolate cysts, because of the color of the blood. Chocolate Cysts is only one specific type of ovarian cyst that is linked to endometriosis.
This type of cyst or commonly called an endometrial cyst plays a significant role in endometriosis. Over time the blood accumulates inside the ovary, and turns chocolate (thus the name chocolate cyst). Minute implants of cells that line the cavity of the uterus grow to be transplanted and form lesser cysts on the outside of the ovary. These cysts enlarge and generate Endometriosis of the ovary.
The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus is called the "endometrium", and endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue plants itself outside the uterus. The common places for them to appear are the lining of the pelvis, intestines, bladder, fallopian tubes, uterine wall, and the lining of the pelvis.
The reason this tissue moves outside of the uterine cavity is not known. It is thought that during a women's menstruation, blood can come back out of the fallopian tubes and into the abdominal cavity.
Another fact I found in my research is that endometriosis is not common in women who are in the change of life or shortly thereafter.
Chocolate cysts do not get better with medications and always need surgical removal. For a permanent cure for chocolate ovarian cysts so that they never return again, many women are opting for the natural holistic approach. The large chocolate ovarian cysts are the worst because they can create a lot of problems if they rupture.
Why are holistic treatments getting more popular by the day? Holistic, natural or herbal remedies do not have side effects to their treatments. The biggest factor to consider is this: They treat not only the symptoms of the condition, but the problem as a whole so that it does not come back to interrupt your life ever again. To give you an example, I will use my own. I was given chemotherapy and radiation back in Sept. 2001. The side effects from such a drastic measure have caused me complications and raised so many other problems that I will have to endure for the rest of my choice was already made and now that I am older, I will have to pay for that decision.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stop your Snoring Naturally Now!

There are many probing snoring questions that people have that will be answered with the stop snoring naturally product. Some of the major questions that are asked are about men and their snoring and why do we snore, is snoring normal and not a health issues or is snoring a more serious condition than what we think, is snoring a condition or is it a disease, is snoring hereditary or is snoring as common natural.
The tongue also plays a part of making the snoring sound. Snoring comes from the same passageways only it is louder than our normal breathing. Actually snoring can happen anytime of the day as we sleep or nap and not just occurring at night.
To snore at night may primarily be caused by heavy day time activities that has made the body tired during bedtime at night. The tongue inflicted snore may be is the main culprit of snoring sounds caused by the tongue. When someone snores in their sleep and changes sleeping positions and his snoring still remains, it is most likely that they have a serious snoring problem.
Snoring is scientifically proven also to be caused by normal aging. Snoring is in the genes and it is hereditary. Smoking can make the tissues vibrates and creates snoring. Non smokers are not saved from snoring caused by smoking because second hand smoke is just as harmful as first hand smoke. Asthma, sinusitis, and colds are respiratory illnesses that can also be counted as a basic cause for a person to snore.
The controllable factors that cause us to snore are smoking, alcohol, medications, sleeping position and postures, obesity and being overweight.
In general, try not eat too much of anything that is on the food chain list meaning eat what you know is best for you. Dairy products contains milk that can effect some people and may cause a allergic reaction. A little wheat intake is okay but eating too much wheat is not therefore try to eat it sparingly. You can't go wrong when adding veggies to your diet.
Bite smaller pieces of food and chew the food very slow, like you are really savoring the dish will help prevent snoring. Chew with your mouth closed which enables you to chew at a slower pace which can prevent snoring. Women usually use this proportion control self psychology method to help them cut down their meals proportion sizes. Overeating or eating heavily at night is not a good habit to have because you will be going to sleep soon after eating and your metabolism is at its slowest speed when you are asleep which is likely to trigger snoring since your body is relaxed and comfortable.
If possible,every night just before going to bed, try to clear your nasal passages with nasal spray or salinase to ease stuffiness which will prevent you from snoring. When using a nasal spray before bedtime, it will clear out all the particles that are likely to block your nasal passageway and cause you to snore severely so nasal spray usage can prevent you from nightly snoring. Medicines can help prevent snoring as well, but be careful of what medicines you take, what you eat, and monitor your lifestyle activities that can affect you extremely.
stop your snoring naturally!say "goodbye" to sleepless nights.wake up feeling energized!
Stop Your Snoring

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Acne Treatment

Acne is very common its actually considered a normal part of puberty, i know it dose not help when your looking at a big pimple in the mirror. What actually helps is learning about what causes them and the solution to take care of your skin. Everybody has hair all over their skin even if you cant see it. Acne occurs when the hair follicules or pores get clogged with oil. Your skin has oil glands called sebaceous glands that produce an oil called sebum that lubricates the hair and skin. Sometimes a gland will produce to much sebum. If the pore get clogged with oil and dead skin cells a zit will forms. You may have noticed there is more than one type of zit. Whiteheads happen when a pore gets clogged but stays closed. Pressure causes the skin to get red with a white tip that holds the oil. If a pore gets clogged up but stays open the surface can darken into a blackhead. Blackheads are not bumps but you can see them if you get close. Puberty causes your body to produce lots of new hormones certain hormones tell the sebastious glands to make more oil and some times the glands become over active. Thats why trying to scrub the oil of your face sometimes does not always work. It works from the inside out.
"click here"

Approaches To Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss treatments nowadays are becoming more innovative. It comes in topically applied products, pills, and surgical procedures. But before choosing the treatment that you want it is important that you must first consult a doctor or dermatologist that specializes in hair loss.
The reason behind this is that the possible cause of your hair loss may be a medical one. Some hair loss is caused because of genetic or hormonal issues. Everyone experiencing hair loss is looking for a treatment that can prevent any further loss of hair. The only problem is that treatment can works for some but not for others.
Many different kinds of hair loss treatment products have already shown success during clinical trials but there is still no record of 100% regain of hair loss. Male pattern baldness is common to many men and it usually requires the treatment called the DHT inhibitor, it inhibits the production of DHT hormone that is a common factor to hair loss.
A medication called Propecia is an example of a DHT inhibitor. There is another type of treatment called Growth Stimulator, which encourages new growth of hair and this works for both men and women. These include topical lotions and shampoos like Rogaine. The disadvantage of growth stimulators is that they don't stop hair from falling out. Combining more than one type of treatment is better so that you can have the results you want.
It's important that you must know what the main cause of your hair loss is which can be factors such as nutrition, hormonal balance, or stress related. You can do something about your hair loss. There are many ways to treat it. It may require time and some effort to figure out what will work the best for you. With some research you can make an educated decision.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Zeno Acne Clearing Device with 60-Count Cartridge Review

Zeno Acne Clearing Device with 60-Count Cartridge
I have extensive experience in the medical field and have owned the Zeno Product for quite some time. After reading the reviews, I can no longer remain silent. This is a wonderful product that has NEVER claimed to be a substitute for good hygiene. It is a very effective product for when good hygiene fails (and, thanks to Mother Nature's ways, good hygiene will inevitably fail no matter what skin care regimen you have). I have never had a pimple that Zeno did not work on (including my hormonal and cystic acne). And, I did my "homework" before buying this product, as I would also encourage you to do. It was very clear to me from the beginning what types of acne Zeno may not work on (it is CLEARLY specified in the owners manual that is published on the Zeno Website). I would personally rather conduct a 2.5 minute treatment on a blemish THAT I KNOW WORKS QUICKLY (immediately to 24 hours) than try some topical that contains the usual Benzoyl Peroxide, which irritates and dries out my skin and doesn't get rid of the blemish. I keep a Zeno in my car (as well as in my purse--I actually own 2) and have found it very convenient to use, no matter what time of day a pimple arrives (I usually see an immediate, noticeable decrease in the size of the pimple). It is very easy to use too. After hitting the power button and the unit is ready, the timer button light will go from amber to green. You then hit the green timer button to start your 2.5 minute treatment. It's really cool...once you hit the green timer button, it beeps every 30 seconds to let you know it is working on your pimple. At the end of the treatment, there are a series of beeps, so there is no way to confuse that the treatment is over. The Zeno gets a little warm, but it actually feels good. It doesn't get too hot and it is very safe. If you go the beauty salon, paraffin wax is much hotter. Occasionally, it leaves a red mark after use, but the red mark fades quickly (less than an hour at most)--I have found this time to decrease to less than 5 minutes as my skin has now acclimated to the Zeno. Again, the most important thing that I can stress is that I have found it to completely get rid of pimples quickly (immediately-24 hours) if you use it when you first see or feel the pimple form. Sometimes, a bigger pimple may take a few more treatments, so you just have to learn what works best for you. I actually have thrown all my topical treatments away (again topicals just dry out the pimple, but the Zeno actually kills the bacteria that formed the pimple before it damages the skin--thus, the pimple is gone in significantly less time). All I need now is good hygiene and my Zeno. It is definitely worth the time and money. I highly recommend this amazing product! "click here"

Pregnancy and Yeast Infection

Prior to discussing the complexity linking the chances of contracting Candida infections with pregnancy, we'll take a brief glance at the initial physiological reasons for the yeast infection ailment. However the question still needs to be answered, does pregnancy make a woman's body even more at risk concerning yeast infections? Many women about to give birth are worried about this. The truth is that Candida infection is twice as probable during pregnancy compared to situations outside of pregnancy.

Yeast infection in the vagina is characterized by thick, white vaginal discharge with the appearance of cottage cheese and discomfort while having sex. Almost three-quarters of women in western nations will be afflicted by this kind of infection once in their lifetime and many of them will have to continue enduring chronic Candida infections. As a matter of fact, Candidiasis, or yeast infection, is a fungal infection appearing locally or systemically with particular impact on women in western countries. The most frequent kind of yeast infection is vaginal infection of which the typical symptoms include a burning feeling and itching especially around the vaginal area.

Candida exists to a greater or lesser degree in the intestinal and genital tracts of most people, but fungal overgrowth can bring on painful and debilitating consequences and also significant health complications. Yeast in this medical context means single-celled fungi. The common name, Candida, applies to the strain of fungi often seen in the human body under normal conditions as well. Different elements which may be internal, external, lifestyle-related or psychological then directly or indirectly form the context in which Candida multiplication comes about. As with many other medical problems, Candida overgrowth comes about because of group of factors and related interactions.

In addition, emotional stress affecting many women when pregnant and while expecting a child may as a consequence degrade the immune system and increase the chance of yeast overgrowth.

Pregnant women also often develop fixations on sugar-rich or white flour containing foods. As traditionally, pregnant women are allowed, even pushed to obey such cravings, these sugars and refined carbohydrates increase even more the threat of yeast infection powered by these sugary environments.

In pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes at several levels including hormonal, physiological and psychological. These changes conspire to engender excessive Candida overgrowth and the accompanying symptoms. Pregnancy-induced hormonal changes modify the vaginal context and make fungi more likely to grow beyond acceptable limits.

Ignoring Candidiasis can lead to systemic yeast infection, with significant negative effects both in terms of quality of life and overall well being. Since pregnant women may not use many of the antifungal medications or antibiotic treatments available to others, it is even more important to find another solution for candidiasis during this moment of childbearing. Finding a remedy for candidiasis in expecting women is crucial, because otherwise infection can be communicated from the mother to her baby through the birth canal during pregnancy or during childbirth, or afterwards via breast-feeding.

The holistic approach using modifications in dietary and lifestyle changes and eliminating toxins, can stop all types of yeast infection and also prevent their recurrence safely and effectively for pregnant women and the babies that they are carrying. Did you hear the news about the 100% natural holistic methods that can be used to remedy yeast infections permanently and safely?

Pregnant womenwho want a complete and lasting answer to candidiasis can use holistic methods to rid themselves of this condition by taking a set of specific home remedies to relieve the symptoms and by using holistic all natural guidelines that address the fundamental issues to tackle the real problem.
12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection!

Natural Cure for Yeast Infection - Get rid of Candida, yeast, thrush infection, Natural Treatment Home Remedy for yeast infection!

The Wonder Foods that Burn Body Fat

It may sound too good to be true, but scientific studies have found that people who consume certain foods end up losing more weight than those who don't eat the foods - even when all other factors are the same! Eat food lose weight is not a wish or a fantasy, its a scientific fact.

Let's take a look at three of the most popular foods that burn fat, according to science:

Beans Beans are a preferred protein source for dieters everywhere. They contain a healthy mix of protein and carbohydrates. Beans are challenging to digest, so it takes your body longer to process them. This is a good thing, because it keeps your blood sugar stable and helps you stay full longer. But the real magic of beans lies in their fiber content. Fiber is like a workout for your digestive system. It keeps things running smoothly, and prevents your blood glucose from spiking too high. Plain beans are the best choice if you want to eat food and lose weight. Sugary baked beans or fatty refried beans can sabotage your weight loss efforts by supplying too many calories and simple carbs.

Skim Milk Of all the foods that burn fat, calcium is perhaps the most popular proven metabolism booster. In fact, studies have proven that calcium causes weight loss. Two groups of test subjects were studied. The groups did everything the same, except that one group received several servings of calcium each day. Surprisingly, that group lost almost three times as much weight as the group who did not receive extra calcium. You can get calcium from vegetables like broccoli, but dairy products remain the most popular choice. Choose products made from 2%, 1%, or fat-free milk. They deliver the greatest amount of calcium in the lowest amount of calories. Continue to eat lots of vegies as well and use them as snack itmes instead of any processed nibblies.

Green Tea Green tea has been touted as a dieter's miracle product for years. It contains powerful antioxidants that reduce the number of potentially cancerous free radicals in the body. Its modest caffeine content is enough to perk up your heart rate and metabolism without putting undue stress on your body. It is also a mild diuretic, which can be helpful for getting rid of retained fluid. Green tea has also been studied as a fat-burner, and the results have been encouraging. People who drink 4 - 6 cups of green tea per day enjoy faster weight loss than those who don't drink green tea.

Don't Forget Water Water doesn't contain nutrients but water would still rank highly on any list of foods that burn fat. Water dilutes sodium to beat bloating, pushes retained fluid from our bodies, promotes healing, and satisfies the appetite. But did you know that water can also keep your metabolism running at maximum efficiency? It's true: Our kidneys are our primary filtration system. They help pass toxins and waste fluids out of our bodies. But they need plenty of hydration to keep functioning well. When they are deprived of water, the kidneys call on the liver for back-up. While the liver can serve as a secondary filtration system, that is not its best use. It is designed for, and excels at, turning stored fat into usable energy. But when it has to support the kidneys, the liver cannot metabolize fat as quickly as it used to. You can bring your metabolism back up to speed by drinking plenty of water each day.

For a quick and productive diet overhaul, start eating foods that burn fat. And help your system by drinking enough pure drinking water each day, and you will be on your way to successful and permanent weight loss.
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